Anti-Aging Pilates
Remember in school when you had clear cut grading systems that ensured success or failure. But then you entered into adulthood left to your own devices to figure it all out. What about grading your health?
Maybe you can apply some grade school style metrics to your own health.
In the “Sit-and-Rise” study. The authors of this study created a scoring system for your ability (or inability) to get from sitting on the floor to standing.
No hands = 10/10
You subtract 1 point for every time your need to touch a surface or brace yourself to get up.
They correlated your score with with life expectancy. Of course, there are specifics to their metrics like the environment of the subjects and many other health factors. The freak accidents. The unexpected diagnosis. Why not go ahead and live the best we can today?
Now does that mean you aren’t healthy if you need a quick push of your hand off the floor? No.
But it does mean that regular conditioning and exercise help you slow aging.
According to this article from Harvard Health Publishing …
“Regular exercise helps people age more slowly and live healthier, more vigorous lives. And it also helps people live longer. Calculations based on the Harvard Alumni Study suggest that men who exercise regularly can gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of exercise.”
Boom! One 60 minute class HERE gets you 2 more hours of life.
No matter what health tracker you have, the grading of your health is not linear. But you can improve your health and slow your aging today by hopping into class below where you get to practice your own sit-and-rise exercises with Michelle.
Want to keep up your anti-aging moves? Join our online Pilates membership HERE!
Let us know your score!
Post and tag us on social media.
Stay strong, health, and stay active.
P.S. Want to become a Pilates teacher? Get information on our upcoming teacher training HERE.