Get into the Thanksgiving flow.

If food is energy... doesn't it seem ironic that after Thanksgiving dinner our energy seems to plummet. (FYI... it's NOT the turkey tryptophan story. That's a bit of a myth). Likely it's the over indulgence of rich foods and sugar making our liver work overtime. On top of all the work to make such a delicious meal. It’s a recipe for exhaustion.

Use this class to reboot your energy. Before diving into your second helping of food... do the quick class below, take a walk and head back for more delicious food.

Pie not included (but highly recommended).

Start moving by clicking HERE.

We’d love to hear from you! Get your friends and fam in on the movement. Tag us on social or click the share button to send to a friend.

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We wish you great health and all the best from our families to yours.

With love,

Kaira Studios

P.S. If you're not already a member and ready to move often and safely to build strength and resilience, click HERE to join our online studio. 

P.S. The holidays are upon us and it's gift time. What could be better than the gift of health. You can gift your friends and family with Kaira Studios online membership. Email us HERE if you want to set up a gift for someone special.


Balance your wrist to balance your shoulder.


Scrolling got your down? Stop the slump